Art Resume

2002 Nevada Museum of Art School
2000 Associates Degree in General Studies, Truckee Meadows Community College

Awards and Honors
2008 "Hope Blooms", Third Place paintings, Sparks Arts and Culture, National Arts Program 2nd Annual
1999 "Crimson Rose", Honorable Mention, oil. NV Artist Association, Nevada Day Show
1998  "Nevada Sunset", Honorable Mention, oil. TMCC Student Show
1997  "Eyes of Innocence", 4th place People’s Choice, watercolor. NV Artist Association, State Fair
1996  "Cherish", Honorable Mention, graphics. River Gallery
1996  "Angel Face Rose", 2nd place, oil. River Gallery
1996  "Peace Rose", 2nd place, oil. NV Artist Association, State Fair

Group Exhibitions

2013 July                SWS Artown at Renown South "Art for Healing"
2011 May               Strega Gallery “Multifarious Matriculations”
2011 April               TMCC Student Art Exhibit

2009 July                SWS Artown at Renown South "Art for Healing"
2008 September     SWS Hot Air Balloon Races Show

2008 July                Sparks Arts and Culture, The National Arts Program 2nd Annual Exhibit
2007 September     SWS Hot Air Balloon Races Show
2006 December      VSA Nevada "Jolly Holly Arts Festival"
2004 July                SWS Artown at Renown South "Art for Healing"
2004 January           VSA Nevada “Artist Garage Sale”
2003 February         SWS Washoe Therapy Show
2003 May                SWS Reno Library show
2003 May                VSA Nevada May Exhibit and Sale
2002 December       SWS Harrell’s Art’s & Antiques Park Lane Mall, Reno
2002 September      SWS Hot Air Balloon Races Show
2002 July                 SWS “Artown” River Gallery
2001 December       Sierra Arts, Pioneer Center, Reno in conjunction with NMA Picasso ceramics
2001 November       Sierra Arts, Starving Artists
2001 October          Sierra Arts, Reno “Women’s Domestic Violence Awareness”
2000 November       Sierra Arts, Artist Showcase at Reno Hilton
1999 October          NV Artist Assoc. Nevada Day Show
1998 June               NV Artist Assoc. “NV Living Things & Places” King St. Gallery
1998 May                NV Artist Assoc. King Street Gallery, Carson City
1998 Spring            TMCC Student Show, Reno
1998 March             NV Artist Assoc. “Arts on the March” River Gallery, Reno
1998 February         NV Artist Assoc. King Street Gallery, Carson City
1997 November       NV Artist Assoc. River Gallery, Reno
1997 September      Caughlin Ranch Gallery State Fair Winner’s
1997 August            NV Artist Assoc. State Fair
1996 August            NV Artist Assoc. State Fair


2002 April "Yellow Rose", Watercolor; Mrs. McElrath
2001 March "Oak Leafs", Watercolor; Dolores Esposito

Volunteer Experience

2014  Sierra Watercolor Society's Art Angels, art assistance and instruction in public schools
2012  Sierra Watercolor Society's Artist Angels, art assistance and instruction in public schools
2002- 2004 Sierra Watercolor Society’s Artist Angels, art assistance and instruction in public schools
2000  VSA Nevada, Discover the Arts at Wingfield park~Artown
1997-1999 Nevada Museum of Art, events volunteer
for “Rodin on Ice”,
Annual Wine Tasting Auction, First Thursday events: greet, serve food and drinks, demonstrate arts/crafts at children’s art table. Assist artists in the Annual Children’s Art Fair.


Alicia Cobb, “ Reno Gazette Journal,” (June 10, 2003) “Welcome: Art Instructor Alicia Cobb teaches brush techniques to Alena Wilson, left, and Renee Palermo during a watercolor class at the E.L. Cord Museum School at the Nevada Museum of Art.”

2004 Feb-May         VSA Nevada, taught Children’s “Fun with Watercolors” at Horseman’s Park session I & II
2003 October          Nevada Museum of Art, taught children’s “Watercolor: the basics”
2003 September      VSA Nevada, Art instructor for the Annual Children’s Art Festival Event
2003 June               Nevada Museum of Art, taught children’s class “Watercolor: the basics”

Current Memberships

Sierra Arts, Sierra Watercolor Society, VSA Nevada, Nevada Museum of Art

Current Gallery Representation

Sierra Watercolor Society